Amazon Alert: Negative product review

When is the "Negative product review " alert triggered?

If you receive a negative product review for a product that is monitored by AMALYTIX, this alert is triggered.

Amazon Negative product review

What additional information does the alert provide?

We show you the relevant elements of the review such as rating, title, author and text. A link is also created in the alert.

Amazon Alert Negative product review

On the page "Alerts" you will find all the notes that AMALYTIX has created for the note "Negative product review". Click on the respective entry to display further information.

All negative reviews can also be found under Customer feedback / Reviews

For whom is the note available?

The alert is available for both sellers and vendors.

How do I activate the alert?

Under "Settings / Alerts", go to the alerts that are already available and activate the corresponding alert "Negative product review" under "Select alert types".