Amazon Seller Feedback

Overview seller feedback

Amalytix Seller Feedback

You will find all feedback you receive as a seller on this page.


You have the following options when you receive a seller review that a) relates to a product or b) relates to a defect in an FBA order:

For a positive product review, you can ask the buyer to leave it as a review of the product in question. In case of a negative FBA review, you can ask Amazon to have this review deleted.


On Amazon, customers have the opportunity to rate not only the product but also the seller. These ratings are called "seller feedback."

AMALYTIX monitors your seller feedback and, if desired, creates a notification, e.g., by e-mail, when new seller feedback arrives.

Your seller feedback can always be found on the "Seller Feedback" page.

As with the reviews, AMALYTIX displays the negative feedback of the last seven days by default. You can extend the filter to have more ratings shown.

If a customer evaluates only the product and not the seller, you can ask Amazon to remove this feedback. If the product was shipped via FBA and the customer complains about the shipping process, you can tell Amazon to take responsibility. As a rule, Amazon deletes the rating in this case as well.

The seller feedback reflects the buyer's satisfaction with you as the seller. Too many negative seller ratings can jeopardize your right to sell on Amazon. You should, therefore, always keep a watchful eye on your seller feedback.

Use AMALYTIX to react quickly to both positive and negative seller feedback.


Here are the most important tips:

Filter New Feedback

You may attach a status to each review (New, In progress or Done). This way, you may hide the feedback you already know.

Amalytix Seller Feedback Report

Sort according to Date / Review

Filter the feedback date (newest feedback first) or according to review (worst review first). Click several times to change the sorting sequence from ascending to descending and vice versa.

Status Change

If you actively keep track of feedback, you may update the current status via three statuses, continually granting you or other coworkers an overview of which feedback is new, processed, or completed.

Respond to Feedback

To reply to a seller rating, click "Answer (EU/US)" under "Options." You will be taken to Seller Central and can respond to the review.

Translate Feedback

Concerning foreign feedback, click on Translate, and you will be shown an automated translation.

Internal notes

Assign additional notes as needed that only you will see. For example, you can document agreements and the result for each assessment.


Click "Statistics" next to "Seller Feedback" to get statistics on reviews.

Amalytix Seller Feedback Report

Here, you can see the history of all seller ratings over time. Click on "Filter" to filter by a specific period or marketplace.


You can subscribe to the following information about Seller Feedback:

  • Negative seller feedback: Triggers when negative seller feedback is detected. Negative means 1,2, or 3 stars.
  • Positive seller feedback: Triggers when positive seller feedback is detected. Positive means 4 or 5 stars.

Go to Settings / Alerts to activate one or more of these alerts.

Available Amazon reports

You can also export all notes as a report. To do this, go to the Seller Feedback report and, if necessary, set the appropriate marketplace and date to narrow down the result.

Seller Feedback Report

  • Description: contains all your seller feedback which you received from your customers
  • Type: Seller
  • Category: Customer Feedback

You can find a list of all columns of this report here →.