Amazon Listing Questions


Amalytix Question

Customers can ask questions about a product in advance. Often, these questions have prevented a potential customer from buying the product. And this customer is often representative of many customers who may have the same question but have not taken the opportunity to ask the question. As a seller, these are valuable clues to barriers to purchase that you can eliminate with the help of AMALYTIX.

These questions then appear directly on the product listing. The manufacturer and retailer need to answer these questions as promptly and thoroughly as possible. Amazon also sends an email to many former buyers of this product and asks for an answer. Because practically everyone can answer, incomplete or incorrect answers often end up on the listing. Many customers also write, "I don't know."

The question signals that the product listing may not fully describe the product. To provide a correct answer to future customers who may have the same question, you as the retailer or manufacturer of the product should answer this question promptly.

How does AMALYTIX support the monitoring of Amazon questions?

AMALYTIX checks your products once a day for new questions. As soon as a new question is received on the listing, we display it in the tool, and you receive a corresponding notice if desired.

The functions corresponding to those of the Amazon reviews monitoring.

Use of the question module

AMALYTIX displays customer questions under the item Questions:

Amalytix Question

You can filter by various criteria in the filter area, including the list (1), the status (2) or if the question was already answered (3).

With a click on Show on Amazon (4), you jump directly to the customer question on Amazon, e.g., to answer it there. You can create an entry in the To-Do (5) list of AMALYTIX with a click on Create To-Do.

You can change the status of a question by clicking on the buttons under (6).

Amalytix Question

Click the "Yes" under "Answers" to see answers to a question. Here you will see your solutions as well as responses from other buyers.

Amalytix Question

Under "Actions," you can export customer questions as Excel or CSV files and open ChatGPT Assistant.

Select individual or all customer questions and open the ChatGPT Assistant to analyze them.

AI Assistant

First, you need to select a prompt. A prompt is a kind of instruction or question you want to ask ChatGPT Assistant. You can either define your prompt in the settings or use a predefined prompt from AMALYTIX.

After that, you select the target language, which is the language in which you want to receive an answer.

AI Assistant

After selecting the prompt and the target language, click "Run."

Under "Settings," click "Assistants" to create or edit an assistant.

Customer questions and the date for new products

Suppose you add a new product to AMALYTIX or AMALYTIX adds a new product by itself because it finds it, e.g., for the first time in the orders. In that case AMALYTIX gets all customer questions about this product.

There is no date of the question on the page where the Amazon customer questions are listed. Therefore AMALYTIX takes the current date here, even if the question is already several years old. As a result, in the beginning, these questions are all shown as new within the last seven days. Since AMALYTIX checks daily from now on, this problem grows out over time.

This sometimes irritates but cannot be solved otherwise at the moment.


AMALYTIX will inform you by eMail or Slack about the following hint on request:

  • New question on listing: The hint appears when a prospect has posted a new question on the listing.

Go to Settings / Alerts to activate this notice.


You can also export all hints as a report. To do this, simply go to the Customer Questions report and, if necessary, set the appropriate marketplace to narrow down the results.

Questions Report

  • Description: contains all questions from customers on product listings
  • Type: Seller and Vendor
  • Category: Customer Feedback

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